Jesus' last desire in his priestly prayer the night before he died was: that they might be one. The Eucharist, source and summit of our Christian Life is the Sacrament of Unity. Unity is the worship the Father desires and the witness we can give this world so it can come to believe. One of the fundamental purposes of a parish is to build community, to build unity. We all long for community and solidarity. At N.E.T. Catholic we strive to provide that community and build the unity we are called to through a number of different ministries and initiatives.
Parish Fellowship
Coffee Hour Saint Anthony
Coffee Hour All Saints
Coffee Hour Holy Cross
Parish Festivals
Parish Dinners and Receptions
Funeral Receptions
Hospitality Ministry
This ministry helps us be a more welcoming community, reaches out to new members and sends cards in special occasions.
Ecumenical Efforts
All Saints-LUMC: Missions, Youth, VBS, Bible Study
Holy Cross- Dryden UM
More on the importance of Unity:
In Jesus' last words in the Gospel of John, in his dying wish expressed in his Priestly Prayer to the Father he asks that we may all be ONE as the Holy Trinity is ONE. The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that the community of the Church is to be a sacrament (this is to be a sign that shows the world) of the communion of the Holy Trinity. The work of the Holy Spirit is to bring about unity. The Holy Spirit brought together in one mission: St. John, the disciple who was faithful to the end and St. Peter, the disciple that denied Christ three times. The Holy Spirit brought together, St. Matthew, the disciple who was a tax collector for the empire, and St. Simon the Zealot, the disciple who was an activist against the empire. When we offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass we pray that as we share in the ONE Body and Blood of Christ we may become ONE through the work of the Holy Spirit. The primary mission of the Pope and the Bishops is to preserve the unity of the Church. When we go against our local bishop, our local conference of bishops or against the Pope we are working against this work of the Holy Spirit of preserving unity through our adhesion to the bishops and the Pope.
If Jesus' last wish and the fundamental work of the Holy Spirit is to bring about unity then our primary concern as disciples of Jesus Christ should be to bring about unity. The most powerful way to evangelize, to help the world believe in Jesus is our unity. People should look at our families, our neighborhoods, our groups and associations, our parish communities and see a sign of perfect communion such as the communion between the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. People, should look at our unity and say: there must be a God because such unity in diversity among humans is not naturally possible, it must be the work of something supernatural.
Sadly, the reality sometimes is that wherever you put a Catholic you can count on division. We seem to think we know best. We seem to be the ones always beginning the fights at our family gatherings, sowing division at community organizations and even some of us, go as far as to sow division in our very parish communities and the local and universal church. Sowing division is the sin against the Holy Spirit of which the Gospel warns us. Sowing division is the gravest form of sacrilege against the Most Holy Eucharist and the reconciliation and unity it signifies and brings about through the sacrifice of Christ. Today, then we must wholeheartedly reflect on the following: Am I an agent of division in my family, at work, in my church? Am I an agent of the unity that was Jesus' last wish and the fundamental work of the Holy Spirit everywhere I go? How can I better control what I do and say so that I do not sow division? What can I do to bring about reconciliation and unity in my family, my neighborhood, the groups I belong to, my parish community, the local and universal Church?
Remember division is always the work of the Devil, unity is Jesus' last wish and the work of the Holy Spirit and the true way to evangelize.