Let Us Dream....
As disciples of Jesus Christ in Tompkins and Cayuga Counties we have been charged with continuing the Mission of Jesus Christ in our area.
For a long time the basic mean to continue this Mission has been the current parish structure.
What truly matters is that in each historical moment we find the most effective means and that we are open to read the signs of our times, willing to let go of the ways of the past and to give the mission priority over our personal preferences and attachments.
This past year has called us all to reflect and refocus and presents us with a great opportunity to reimagine our parishes and our ministry, so that as we rebuild after the pandemic, we can at the same time renew and reinvigorate our Mission.
We can approach this task in 5 stages:
1. Remote preparation: Securing the viability of our campus and finances for the next 5 -15 years. (December 10, 2020- April 15, 2021)
2. Immediate stage of welcoming people back and putting essential ministries back in place (April 18-June 20, 2021).
3. Intermediate stage of continuing to welcome people, initial stages of planning and working to get basic programs in place for the Fall. (June 21-October 12, 2021)
4. Wider planning efforts to consolidate a parish 5 year plan, with a vision beyond the parish to the Mission (October 13-December 13, 2021)
5. Regional Planning: This process would be initiated by the Diocese and would seek the best ways to use our resources (finances, priests, volunteers, buildings) to accomplish as much as possible for the Mission of Jesus Christ. In such process, major expenses such as buildings must be carefully assesed in terms of use and efectiveness to see if financial resources will be best put to use elsewhere as opposed to maintaining a plethora of buildings. The possibility of consolidating smaller shared staffs, given the expense of salaries and the duplication of programs and efforts from parish to parish is also part of this effort. Possible ways of reorganization to allow for continued minsitry with less priests are also usually part of this process. Different possibilities are usually brought forth by the community, evaluated and discussed and then decisions are made. Just as an example: A shared service finance office for Tompkins and Cayuga Counties could help make staffs more efficient and reduce salary expense.
Then a ministry team for each of the following groupings of parishes:
A. Saint Catherine's, Immaculate Conception, All Saints and the Colleges with one shared Pastor, and an assisting priest (and maybe a second part time assisting priest) and one pastoral associate, one faith formation coordinator, and one administrative assistant.
B. One ministry team for Auburn and Weedsport constituted similarly to the one above.
C. One ministry team for Good Shepherd Catholic Community, Holy Cross and Saint Anthony, with one shared Pastor, and an part time assisting priest and one pastoral associate, one faith formation coordinator and one administrative assistant.
As we try to reengage our Mission we look to our reality, we discern where God is at work and where God might be calling us and we act accorfingly.
To focus our sight and to discern God's Will as opposed to simply our limited understanding or desires, we are aided by the guidance of the Church.
First, we look to the Ministry of Jesus in the Gospels.
Then we look to the guidance of our Pope in his programatic documents for the Church and for the World (It is the Mission of the Church- our Mission, to be the leaven that brings about the world that God intends).
Pope Francis, presents his dream for the Church in Evangelii Gaudium and his dream for the world in Fratelli Tutti
Then we look the USCCB, and their latest dream for the Church in the United States, which they put forward in the document: Encountering the Mercy of Christ and Accompanying His People with Joy.
We can also find the Diocesan Planning Resources helpful.
Here is one approach to how a parish planning effort could look like.